Topics of interests include, but are not limited to:
- Integrating law and policy compliance into the development process
- Privacy or data protection impact assessments in the engineering context
- Privacy engineering and data-driven software development
- Privacy engineering in machine learning and AI
- Privacy engineering and data subject access rights and data portability
- Privacy risk management models
- Technical standards, heuristics and best practices for privacy engineering
- User privacy and data protection requirements
- Management of privacy requirements with other system requirements
- Privacy-preserving architectures for databases, networks, and the cloud
- Privacy engineering in the context of interaction design and usability
- Validation and verification of privacy properties and requirements
- Engineering Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs)
- Integration of PETs into systems or the development ecosystem
- Tools and formal languages supporting privacy engineering
- Teaching and training privacy engineering
- Pilots and real-world applications
- Evaluation of privacy engineering methods, technologies and tools
- Organizational, legal, political and economic aspects of privacy engineering
This topic list is not meant to be exhaustive as IWPE is interested in all aspects of privacy engineering.